Soulful Freediving

In Southern California, spearfishing, training and competition dominate the freediving culture, but there are many freedivers, or would-be freedivers who don’t resonate with these approaches. Soulful Freediving offers a more connected and soulful approach to experiencing the ocean and understanding ourselves.

While to have soul means to have depth, we don’t have to dive deep to find depth. Soulful Freediving is grounded in ecopsychology, somatic practices and ocean therapy, and it is with these roots that we dive to explore the ocean, its ecosystems and ourselves. With this framework and intention, we deepen our relationship with the ocean, and thus we deepen our relationship with ourselves.

Meet Grace

Grace Peterson developed Soulful Freediving in 2021 as a culmination of her graduate work in surf therapy and her experience as a somatic practitioner and freediving instructor. As a third generation Californian, Grace finds joy in guiding new and seasoned freedivers through the kelp forests of her home and capturing their experience and inspiring the ocean-curious through the soulful medium of film photography.

Photo by Chelsea Mayer